It looks like Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Jio is losing its charm as the telecom operator Bharti Airtel added more active subscriber than Reliance Jio in the month of April. This was the first time Bharti Airtel has managed to beat Reliance Jio when it comes to active subscriber base since the latter’s launch in the month of September 2016. Bharti Airtel has managed to notch up 2.6 million active subscribers in the Month of April compared to Reliance Jio’s 400000 addition, said brokerage Goldman Sachs, analyzing TRAI data. The report came by analyzing the Trai’s VLR (Visitor Location Register) data. VLR is used to know how many people are actually using services. According to Goldman Sachs, 3G/4G addition seems to be on the rise for Bharti Airtel. Reliance Jio had already started to charge users, which encouraged users to go back to the previous telecom providers because the free streak of Reliance Jio had made other operators cut the prices of their services. Goldman Sachs also expects that Reliance Jio have to face some difficulties in adding more active users in coming months, pointing out that the firms 400,000 actives (VLR) subscriber additions in April reflect “its fourth straight month of deceleration” Not only these, the active user base of Reliance Jio had also fallen down to 71% in April. Whereas Airtel, Vodafone and Idea’s percentage of active users stands at almost 98%. Reliance Jio hasn’t commented anything on this. However, a source told ETTelecom that Jio didn’t give much importance to the disappointing VLR numbers. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.